Support Center
If the account is in my spouse's name, why can't you give me information on it?
We work very hard to protect our customer's information and privacy by following CPNI guidelines. Account owners need to provide permission to give others full authority over the account in order for us to provide customer information.
Full authority allows the other person to access information about the account, but also allows changes to the account.
The owner can also allow partial authority. This limits the accessible information to the account balance. The owner will need to contact customer service by dialing 611 from their cellular phone or visiting one of our stores. The store will require a picture ID to make the change. Other personal information will be required when requested by phone.
What is customer proprietary network information (CPNI)?
Customer proprietary network information (CPNI) in the United States is information that telecommunications services acquire about their subscribers. It includes what services they use, as well as the amount and type of usage.
The Telecommunications Act of 1996, together with clarifications from the Federal Communications Commission (FCC), generally prohibits the use of that information without customer permission, even for the purpose of marketing the customers' other services. In the case of customers who switch to other service providers, the original service provider is prohibited from using the information to try to get the customer back.
CPNI includes such information as optional services subscribed to, current charges, directory assistance charges, usage data, and calling patterns. In general, anything that appears on a phone bill is protected as CPNI.
Companies must protect CPNI with a password. Therefore, a password or PIN is required to access calling and billing data over the phone and on the Internet. A government-issued photo ID may be used in person. The company may also mail such information to the address of record on the account.
Published on March 24, 2020
Updated on June 27, 2023